Science-based School Holiday Programmes
Welcome to Little Scientists! We offer Auckland-based School Holiday Science Programmes, a Science Club, a Science Road Show, and now Science-themed Birthday parties.
Children are born with an innate sense of curiosity. As soon as we can talk, we want to know the answers to everything; "What happens if I drop the egg?" "What does this button do?" "What happens if I mix these together?" At Little Scientists, our goal is to make science fun. We do this by providing exceptional science-based School Holiday Programmes that children love coming to, a fabulous interactive Science Road Show for schools and kindergartens. In 2024 we introduced our After School Science Club, and Science Themed Birthday Parties. We love creating myriad opportunities for children to ask questions, hypothesise and carry out experiments in a relaxed environment. Our programmes are designed for 5-10 year old children, to encourage participation and increase engagement in science. Education is about expanding the horizons of human experience and becoming inclusive. We aim to foster children's curiosity, helping them become critical thinkers and confident learners. It's not about loading the mind with information, but about making the mind capable of razor sharp perception ... and having fun!
Birthday Party Packages


Paint and oil science

Science Test Tubes

Galaxies and solar systems, papier mâché planets, exploring the magnetic poles; join us on an exciting journey to infinity and beyond.
From static electricity to magnetic fields, carbon nano-particles and magnification; help explore the mysteries of time, space and energy.
From shapes and structures to robotics and mechanics; we love to find out how things work & explore everything about our physical world.
Thermochromic slime, polymerisation, crystals, rainbows; dive into the diverse world of colour and form and connect with your creativity
Patterns & puzzles, symbols and algorithms; we put our problem solving skills into action as we discover new challenges every day.